
Vamos! Nebulers

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Nebulas online community groups are building by Nebulas community members.

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PoD Governance Vote in Progress

Governance Nodes vote for the proposals and projects on go.nebulas via NAX

The first PoD governance vote on mainnet started on April 29, 2020.

View the result >

The Nebulas Technical Committee shall be responsible for implementation and the Governance Committee shall be responsible for decision-making.

The Nebulas Technical Committee reviews projects such as testing the R&D products and overseeing community operations, etc., which is the guarantee and strong support of community collaboration. Learn more >

The Governance Committee decides whether projects and proposals are approved via PoD governance voting. Consensus nodes are selected as governance nodes based on it’s contribution of block generated. View the list of consensus nodes in next governance cycle >

Cresça com a Comunidade da Nebulas

6,800+ DApps na mainnet

977,500+ transacções diárias na mainnet (Auge)

259,000+ contas na mainnet

2,300+ desenvolvedores da comunidade

36,000+ utilizadores online

De Junho 2017 até agora,
60+ encontros
21 cidades em 10 países
Desde Junho de 2017, foram organizadas reuniões e hackathons da Nebulas em 21 cidades, 10 países à volta do mundo. Visitámos a Universidade da California, Berkeley, a Universidade de Nova Iorque, a Universidade Columbia, a Universidade Harvard, a Universidade de Ciências Sociais da Singapura, a Universidade de Tsinghua, a Universidade de Tongji, e muitas mais.